Why Hale Marys FITNESS

You are unique. You deserve to be successful.

We all have different bodies and we all move them differently. We specifically design our workouts to fit any level of fitness. With over a decade of experience training women  and moms, we have learned how to develop workout routines that anyone can derive benefit from.

Your time is valuable to you and to us – we keep it fast and effective so you can move on to the next part of your day.

We are active mothers and wives navigating the demands of busy families. We know that dedicating multiple hours a day to complex fitness regimens is simply unrealistic. We pride ourselves on the efficacy and efficiency of our workouts.

You deserve a fitness routine that is simple and easy to follow.

Maintaining personal fitness doesn’t have to be overwhelming or depriving. We have personally found success in adhering to a simplistic approach. We are excited to share our habits with you.

You are so much more than a number on the scale or a jean size.

Obsessing over metrics is counterproductive and discouraging.  While objective data can be useful, we emphasize progressive improvements in exercise completion, positive habit creation, and personal satisfaction. 

You deserve to feel proud and confident about the skin you are in. This is the only body you will ever have.

Over the decade, we have realized that when women improve their personal physical fitness and nutritional decisions, regardless of entry point, they realize an increase in self-confidence and an appreciation for their health.  Sharing our tools with women facing daily life drives our passion for fitness coaching and nutritional mentorship.