Written Workouts

Week of JANUARY 7

Written Workout #1 (MK)

Warm-up: Power walk or jog for five minutes, increasing intensity every 60 seconds.

  • 50 total mountain climbers
  • 40 total swimmers
  • 30 total jack knife crunches
  • 20 squat jacks
  • 10 full sit-ups
  • 5 full burpees w/push-up
  • 30 seconds rest & hydrate

Perform 5 times total


Written Workout #2 (ME)

Warm-Up: 1 minute per move

  • Jog in Place
  • Squats
  • Standing Mountain Climbers
  • Modified Jumping Jacks

Repeat 3x:

  • 1 Minute Fanny Kicks
  • 20 Pushups
  • 30 Second Plank
  • 20 Sit-Ups
  • 1 Minute Fanny Kicks
  • 10 Burpees
  • 15 Tricep Dips
  • 30 Second Plank
  • 10 Plie Cross Punches
  • 1 Minute High Knees

Week of JANUARY 1

Cardio & AMRAP (MK)


Power walk or jog for five minutes, increasing intensity every 60 seconds.

AMRAP 1 (3 moves | 10 reps | as many rounds as possible | 5:00 total)

  • 10 squats or squat hops
  • 10 push-ups
  • 10 situps

Power walk or jog for five minutes, increasing intensity every 60 seconds – max intensity for the final 30 seconds

AMRAP 2 (3 moves | 20 reps | as many rounds as possible | 5:00 total)

  • 20 star jumps
  • 20 tricep dips
  • 20 ttl flutter kicks

Power walk or jog for five minutes, increasing intensity every 60 seconds – max intensity for the final 30 seconds

AMRAP 3 (3 moves | 30 reps | as many rounds as possible | 5:00 total)

  • 30 ttl lunge hops
  • 30 ttl alternating swimmers
  • 30 ttl plank shoulder taps

Power walk or jog for five minutes, increasing intensity every 60 seconds – max intensity for the final 30 seconds

AMRAP FINISHER (9 moves | 10 reps | as many rounds as possible | 5:00 total)

  • 10 ttl lunge hops
  • 10 ttl alternating swimmers
  • 10 ttl plank shoulder taps
  • 10 star jumps
  • 10 tricep dips
  • 10 ttl flutter kicks
  • 10 squats or squat jumps
  • 10 push-ups
  • 10 situps



Warm-up: 3 min slow jog

Cardio 1

  • Sprinters- 1 min 
  • Mountain Climbers- 1 min
  • Fanny Kicks- 1 min
  • Mountain Climbers- 45 sec
  • Speed Skaters- 1 min
  • Mountain Climbers- 30 sec


  • Sit-ups- 1 min
  • Monkeys-1 min
  • Jack Knife Crunches- 1 min
  • Monkeys- 45 sec
  • Bicycles- 1 min
  • Monkeys- 30 sec


  • Star Jumps-1 min
  • Pendulum Hops-1 min
  • Cross Country Skiing-1 min
  • Pendulum Hops-45 sec
  • Burpees-1 min
  • Pendulum Hops-30 sec


  • Butterfly Sit-Ups-1 min
  • Plank Pulses-1 min
  • Hip Bridges-1 min
  • Plank Pulses-45 sec
  • V-Sit Pulses-1 min
  • Plank Pulses-30 sec

Week of december 25



Power walk or jog for three minutes, increasing intensity every 45 seconds.

TABATA 1 (2 moves alternating | 20 sec work | 10 sec rest | 8 rounds | 4:00 total)

  • Mountain Climbers
  • Swimmers

SET 1 (3x total)

  • 10 push-ups
  • 10 tricep dips
  • 10 total plank shoulder taps


  • Arm circles
  • Chest to ground burpees

SET 2 (3x total)

  • 10 good mornings
  • 10 glute bridges
  • 10 total alternating reverse lunges


  • Squat hops
  • Froggers

SET 3 (3x total)

  • 20 total deadbugs
  • 20 total bicycles
  • 10 leg raises to toe reaches


  • Full burpees
  • Sprinters



45 seconds each move

  • Pendulum Hops
  • Squats
  • Fast Feet
  • Walking Lunges

7 Tabata Circuits

20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, 8 times, alternate between the 2 moves.  Rest 1 minute before moving on to next Tabata.

  • High Knees/Pushups
  • Star Jumps/Tricep Dips
  • Jump Squats/Plank Shoulder Taps
  • Skaters/Superman
  • Mountain Climbers/Fanny Kicks
  • Inchworms/Fast Feet
  • Burpees/Jump Rope

Week of december 18

12 Days of Christmas Workout (MK)


Power walk or jog for three minutes, increasing intensity every 45 seconds.


  • Exercise 1 – 1:00 speed skaters 
  • Exercise 2 – 2 total shoot throughs
  • Exercise 3 – 3 sit-ups 
  • Exercise 4 – 4 total alternating reverse lunges
  • Exercise 5  – 5 tricep push-ups
  • Exercise 6 – 6 elbow plank to pike
  • Exercise 7 – 7 tuck jumps (squat to alternating knee drive)
  • Exercise 8 – 8 plank jacks
  • Exercise 9 – 9 squat hops
  • Exercise 10 – 10 total up/down plank
  • Exercise 11 – 11 star jumps 
  • Exercise 12 – 12 burpees
  • Round 1: Exercise 1
  • Round 2: Exercise 2 + Exercise 1
  • Round 3: Exercise 3 + Exercise 2 + Exercise 1
  • Round 4: Exercise 4 + Exercise 3 + Exercise 2 + Exercise 1

Repeat pattern until you reach Exercise 12

Written #2 (ME)

Warm-Up: 30 seconds each move, go through 2x

  • Jog in Place
  • Standing Crunches (hands behind head)
  • Squats
  • Jump Rope


50 seconds each move, go through 3x

  • Planking Leg Lifts
  • Arms Overhead, Forward Lunges (Alt L/R)
  • 1 Burpee to 4 Mountain Climbers
  • Isometric Squat Hold
  • High Knees
  • Push-Ups

5 Minute AMRAP

Set your timer for 5 minutes.  Perform as As Many Rounds As Possible of the following until timer goes off:

  • 5 Butterfly Sit-Ups
  • 20 Heels to Heaven (crunches with legs up, straight)
  • 30 bicycles

Week of december 10

Written #1 Cluster Sets

by: Mary Kathleen


Power walk or jog for three minutes, increasing intensity every 45 seconds.

Breakdown: 1 move | 30 sec work | 10 sec rest | 3x | 2:00

  • Inchworms
  • Criss cross climbers
  • Sit-ups
  • Swimmers
  • Shoot-throughs
  • Skaters
  • Push-ups
  • Squat hop
  • Fast feet
  • Star jumps


Written #2 

by: Mary Elizabeth

Warm-up :45 seconds each move

  • Modified Jacks
  • Slow Inchworms
  • Squats
  • Jump Rope

Work your way through each block from 5 minutes down to 1 minute.

  • 5 minutes
  • 1 Minute Fanny Kicks
  • 1 Minute Reverse Lunge Kick (alternating sides)
  • 1 Minute Speed Skaters
  • 1 Minute Pushups
  • 1 Minute High Knees

4 minutes

  • 1 Minute Walking Lunges
  • 1 Minute High knees
  • 1 Minute Inchworms
  • 1 Minute Plank Jacks

3 minutes

  • 1 Minute Burpees
  • 1 Minute Fast Feet
  • 1 Minute Sit Ups

2 minutes

  • 1 Minute Inner Heel Jumps
  • 1 Minute Plié Squats

1 minute

  • Plank Hold

Week of december 3

Written #1 As Many Rounds As Possible 

by: Mary Kathleen

WARM-UP 5:00

Power walk or jog  for three minutes, increasing intensity every 45 seconds.

BLOCK 1 – 7:00

  • 50 total (ttl) mountain climbers
  • 40 ttl swimmers
  • 30 ttl ab scissors

BLOCK 2 – 7:00

  • 30 squat jacks
  • 20 tricep dips
  • 10 leg raises

BLOCK 3 – 7:00

  • 20 star jumps
  • 10 push-ups
  • 1 min v-sit hold

BLOCK 4 – 7:00

  • 10 ttl bear plank shoot-throughs
  • 10 ttl lunge hops
  • 10 quick burpees


Lucky 7! 

by: Mary Elizabeth

WARM-UP (45 seconds each move)

  • Squats
  • Modified jump ropes
  • Modified Jumping Jacks
  • Jog in place

7 Exercises, 7 Moves, 7 Rounds

1.  Jump Squats

2.  Pushups

3.  Leg Raises

4.  Plank Jacks

5.  Reverse Lunges (R+L=1 rep)

6.  Burpees

7.  Jumping Jacks